Creating a workflow method for automatic activity
1. Here is a template workflow method. Create one like this using your IDE and compile it
3. open up Documentum Administrator and go to Job management->Methods
4. Select menu File->new and create a new method object. The properties page of the newly created method should look like this
6. type
retrieve,c,dm_method where object_name='SampleAutomaticActivity'
7. this will retrieve the object id of the method object we just created.
8. type
9. This will dump the method object. if you look at the object dump the attribute a_special_app will not have a value assigned.
10. Assign the a_special_app attribhute the value 'Workflow' without the quotes. Type the follwoing line to do that.
11. save the property change. Now the workflow method is ready to be attached to an automatic activity
Creating automatic activity in the process
1. open up the workflow/process created in the previous blog in process builder.
2. uninstall the process/workflow.
3. click on 'create automatic activity' icon on the top toolbar(its the one with the image of a gear wheel)
4. Click anywhere in the workspace. An automatic activity instance will be palce where you clicked.
5. go back to the 'selct objects' mode by clicking the mouse pointer icon on the toolbar.
6. Drag and place the automatic activity between manual activities activity-2 and activity-3(or anywhere you choose between initiate and end)
7. re-connect the connectors so that the process now flows through the automatic activity.
8. Open up the automatic activity's activity inspector and go to performer tag
9. Drop down the combo box named 'Executed this method automatically'.
10. Select the method created above. it should show up in this list otherwise dump the method object(dm_method) you created and check the value of a_special_app property. It should be 'Workflow' without the quotes. Only methods with a_special_app value set to Workflow will show up in this list.
11. save, validate and install the workflow. The workflow will look similar to this
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